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Christian Deeper Learning Digest

Writer: Dan BeerensDan Beerens

Welcome to the CDL Digest! We hope to share with you each week articles of interest that you may have missed. This will include current information as well as previous blog posts from CDL that perhaps you didn’t have time to read the first time around. If you have items you think may be of interest, please feel free to get in touch with me at


21 Educational Apps That Support Middle School Student Learning | by Tim Cavey | Teachers on Fire Magazine 🔥 | Aug, 2022 | Medium Our Twitter friend Tim Cavey shares some very helpful info here on the best tools for middle school teachers. Thanks, Tim! His question: Which cloud-based tools will get the job done for your learners this year?. “21 Educational Apps That Support Middle School Student Learning” is published by Tim Cavey in Teachers on Fire Magazine 🔥.


Anyone who has taken part in a PBL 101 workshop knows the metaphor of the “ideal graduate.” Participants generate this description by thinking together about what they want students to know and be able to do by the time they complete their K-12 education. With that image in mind, participants have a shared “why” for adopting new teaching practices, and are primed to design and facilitate learning experiences that will help students grow into these essential competencies.


Sinking Ship, by Peter Welle One of our CDL blog contributors, Peter Welle, is a man of many talents! He released an album of original compositions this summer. Check them out below: 1. The Wood and the Wire 2. Empty Fireplace 3. North Dakota Line 4. Many Years From Now (Years Later Version) 5. Frozen Footprints 6. Cracked and Crooked 7. Halfway Done 8. Feeling Eternity


Many Educational Systems, a Common Good - Cardus The faith-based community continues to be grateful for the excellent work done by our Canadian friends at Cardus! Their latest report: An International Comparison of American, Canadian, and Australian Graduates from the Cardus Education Survey.


Teaching is humbling...

A closing reminder - registration for CDL6 in Vancouver in March 2023 is now open! Register now to save your spot.

A weekly digest of items of possible interest for CDL educators.


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