Guide for Blog Contributers
Who is the Audience?
K-12 educators (classroom teachers, learning leaders, principals, school heads, association leaders) in Christian schools, education students, and education professors who:
Have a passion for deeply engaging, highly relevant Christian education
Are eager to think and dream and make change for the flourishing of their students
Consider their work as not just a job, but a ministry or mission
What is the Audience Looking For?
Educators in K-12 Christian schools desire to:
Connect with and learn from others with the same passion
Find out what other educators are seeing, learning, and doing
Find pedagogical strategies that help children flourish and learn to love learning
Live out their faith in their profession
Give children opportunities to worship God by understanding who they are, loving their neighbors, and taking care of creation
What are our Audience's Struggles?
The CDL Blog will try to address the challenges Christian educators face, including:
Misalignment between beliefs and practices
Not knowing where to start
Feeling stuck and powerless
Lack of support for change
Difficulty identifying key curricular concepts
Integrating faith and learning
Too comfortable with the status quo
Need to learn from experienced travelers
Limited time to find resources/expertise
Suggested Blog Topics
Pedagogy – curriculum, instruction, assessment, spiritual formation, community formation
Leadership – learning spaces, leading change, person of the leader, accountability, teacher professional growth, and evaluation, institutional structures
Models of CDL – The 6 mentioned on the CACE blog plus other ideas out there happening in Christian ed.
Philosophy – why Christian education, why CDL, inclusion, Real needs/Service learning/FLEX
Submission Guidelines
All blog submissions must:
Be uploaded as a Microsoft Word or Google document. If Google, please enable sharing.
Be between 500 and 1500 words
Have the following elements attached:
A title, author name, and preferred professional title
A professional headshot and a 1-3 paragraph bio (if contributing for the first time or would like to update your headshot and bio)
Any images, graphics, or designs included in your post must meet digital copyright expectations. Non-text elements that were not created by the author must include a proper citation and, in some instances, permission from the creator. Note: Authors are not responsible for finding a header image for your post; the CDL team will handle this unless the author requests a particular image.
Email all submissions to danbeerens@gmail.com.
The blog author holds the copyright to any published blog. Thus, they can reproduce the blog post on any other website. We merely request that they provide a link and give recognition to the CDL Community Blog.